Growens is a 2023 Growth Champion
Once again, Growens’s growth gets important recognition. Growens is ranked among the 800 Growth Champions (Campioni della Crescita 2023) by Repubblica Affari&Finanza and Istituto Tedesco Qualità e Finanza (Itqf), on a sample of 50,000 Italian companies.
The official ranking is available at this page. Growens ranks 557°, thanks to a compounded average growth rate of 21% between 2018 and 2021.
The fifth edition of the study on the highest performing companies draws the spotlight on Italian SMEs, able – thanks to their propulsion and resilience – to provide the necessary fuel to the national economic engine, notwithstanding a complex macro-economic scenario.
In order to be included in the ranking, companies were required to meet the following criteria: minimum revenues of €100,000 in 2018, minimum revenues of €1.2 million in 2021, headquarters in Italy, and mainly organic growth. These information, cross-checked with the number of employees (so as to evaluate any decline in occupational levels) brought to the final shortlist, based on CAGR (compounded average growth rate).
Out of 8 million companies existing in Italy, 50,000 were invited to participate to the study, which then produced the final list of 800.
The Technology vertical – where Growens belongs – is the second most represented in the ranking, with 12.4% of ranked companies, following the Industrial vertical (13.5%).
Geolocation of ranked companies also provides noteworthy insights – Lombardy leads the ranking, with 25% of the companies, which are headquartered for the most in the Milan province (107 companies).