
Announcing the MailUp IPO on AIM Italia

We’re excited to announce that our parent company MailUp S.p.A. will debut its initial public offering (IPO) tomorrow – July 29, 2014 – on AIM Italia – MAC, with ticker symbol MAIL. AIM Italia is the stock market of Borsa Italiana – the Milan-based stock exchange – devoted to the Italian small and medium enterprises (SMEs) with high growth potential. As the market leader in the email marketing software industry in Italy and in business for over 10 years with offices in Milan and Cremona, Italy and an international office in San Francisco,CA, MailUp will issue a total of 1.2 million shares at a share price of 2.50 Euro on the AIM Italia stock market tomorrow, which will account for a 15% equity share. Overall, MailUp has a current market cap of 20 million Euros. For more information, download the admission statement on AIM Italia (PDF). As Nazzareno Gorni, MailUp’s CEO, said in a recent meeting with investors: “we believe that AIM Italia is the right financing decision for an Italian SME in a competitive global market, which is MailUp. The IPO will allow us to continue our international expansion efforts and, along with operators and investors that believe in our company, we can help build a successful ecosystem for innovation and tech culture in our home country, Italy, and export this winning model abroad.” And Luca Azzali, MailUp’s COO, agrees: “This IPO is proof that Italian creativity, attention to detail, and constant product innovation are winning characteristics of our company. Choosing to be listed in AIM Italia is a sign of confidence in the Italian economy and tech industry.”

MailUp Founders: left to right: Luca Azzali (COO), Matteo Monfredini (CFO), Matteo Bettoni (CTO), Nazzareno Gorni (CEO), Alberto Miscia (Head of Deliverability).

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