MailUp Group (MAIL) announced +31% increase in Q4 sales and +53% increase in FY2019

MailUp S.p.A. (MAIL) (the “Company” or “MailUp Group”), MailUp S.p.A. (the “Company” or “MailUp“), a company admitted to trading on the multilateral trading facility AIM Italia / Alternative Investment Market and operating in the marketing technology field, has announced today the quarterly results (Q4 2019) related to gross sales at both group and business unit level.

Consolidated unaudited gross sales recorded a +31.4% growth in Q4 2019 (at 16.6M EUR) vs Q4 2018 (12.6M EUR), of which +25% organic growth, thanks to the positive performance of both the Group’s main business units and the satisfactory contribution of the newly acquired Datatrics business unit, active in the predictive marketing field. These results, representing a very relevant quarterly performance for marketing due to numerous festivities and business events such as Black Friday, confirm the Group leadership and the strength of its competitive position in the global markets.

The business unit which recorded the largest Q4 sales is Agile Telecom, with ca 10M EUR sales, up 26% over the same period of the previous year, mainly due to an increase in sales with the top clients..

The business unit which recorded the highest growth rate is BEE, with 0.9M EUR sales, up 94% over the same period of the previous year, thanks to a combined increase in both number of clients and revenue per client.

The newly acquired Datatrics business unit posted sales of 0.8M EUR, for which a comparison is not available on the same period of the previous year, since it was first consolidated at P&L level starting from January 1st, 2019. Datatrics’ sales grew 21.5% over Q3 2019.

With respect to the year-long period 01/01/2019-31/12/2019, sales amount to 60.5M EUR, up ca. 53% over FY 2018 on a like-for-like basis.

The above-stated sales figures include sales from certain multi-annual contracts, hence they may differ from final turnover figures as will be stated in the stand-alone and consolidates financial statements as of 31 December, 2019, in relation to possible period adjustments that could be made when approving the documents.

Matteo Monfredini, Chairman and founder of MailUp Group, stated “We are very pleased of both the last quarterly results and the cumulative yearly performance, which confirm the growing importance of MailUp Group’s solutions within clients’ marketing strategies.

Nazzareno Gorni, CEO and founder of MailUp Group, stated “Preliminary evidence of MAIL’s FY2019 sales performance allows us to set up substantial investments for 2020 in view of consolidating our internationalization strategy, both in terms of enlarging our offer portfolio and for S&M.

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