Growens is recognized by the European Commission for its investments in R&D
Every year the European Commission publishes its EU Industrial R&D Investment Scoreboard, a report that shares information about the first 2,500 European and non-European companies that have invested most in Research and Development – R&D – during the previous year.
In the latest edition of the report, published in April 2021 on the basis of 2020 data, Growens ranks 860th among the 1,000 European companies – including 42 Italian ones – with the largest investments assigned to R&D.
Innovation at Growens
The growth of the Growens Group has always been supported by constant and significant investments in technological,infrastructure & process innovation.
The most recent projects of the Group in the innovation field can be reviewed in the latest ESG Report.
The context within which Growens works requires a maximum readiness in terms of evolution in order to stay competitive and to provide the customer with the best possible experience.
In this regard, the Group during the first months of 2022 opened its first Innovation Lab in Cagliari, a research and development center dedicated to digital and technological innovation.
EU Industrial R&D Investment Scoreboard
Since 2006, the European Commission has annually collected data from companies about the R&D activities already implemented and planned for the years to come. From this information, it selected 2,500 companies around the world which, thanks to their work, make up 90% of the enterprise-funded global R&D initiatives.
The drafting of the EU Industrial R&D Investment Scoreboard aims to:
- Analyze the factors that influence R&D investments
- Provide a benchmark tool for comparing companies, sectors and geographies
- Monitor and analyze emerging investment trends and patterns
- Raise public awareness of support for R&D investments
- Encourage companies to disclose information on their R&D investments.
2021 Report
From this research, 2,500 companies that invested the most in R&D during 2020 were selected, providing a snapshot of a particularly challenging year, in which the COVID-19 pandemic hit our society and the economy.
Among these companies, 401 are based in Europe, 779 in the US, 597 in China, 293 in Japan and 430 in the rest of the world.
Due to the pandemic in 2020, companies operating in the health and ICT sector saw an increase in funds dedicated to R&D; on the other hand, sectors such as the automotive and aerospace ones have seen their reduction.
At the same time, the Scoreboard also shows how Europe keeps devoting great efforts to the development of green technologies for energy-intensive industries.
To learn more about the topic, you can download the latest EU Industrial R&D Investment Scoreboard on this page.