Dear Stakeholders,

For the first time in its history MailUp S.p.A. presents its Sustainability Report, a document that summarises the objectives, activities, impacts and results of the entity towards its Stakeholders.

The change in the economic and social context, the continuous evolution of end customers’ preferences, the affirmation of a global market and, in particular, the digitalisation of industrial and management processes have meant that corporates have to adapt rapidly to the moving competitive scenario of the market in which they operate.

The growing inequality in recent years and the evidence of the impact of human activity on the environment have led to the need for a review of corporate governance policies and the consequent accountability for social impact.

Therefore, in a context where technology is helping redesign social relations in every area and at all levels, and technological choices are now inherent in business processes, MailUp S.p.A. has launched a sustainability reporting process, with the strategic objective of making its benefits transparent to Stakeholders inside and outside the company.

Sustainability issues on ESG – environmental, social and governance – topics have always been a fundamental part of the company’s DNA, long before today’s growing emphasis on such issues from both financial markets and public opinion.

In our experience, attention to people and the environment has always been a cornerstone not only in its human-centered meaning, but above all in its ability to support business in the long term.

These premises led us to the creation of the Sustainability Report: a rich and complete document since its first edition, which we believe is representative of practices that are well rooted in our corporate culture and our way of doing business.

We decided to illustrate our values and objectives based on the sustainability indicators established by the Global Reporting Initiative and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) defined by the UN.

In this respect, in the eighteen-year-long Company history we have constantly worked to create a “one-of-a-kind” organisation: smart and innovative like a start-up, solid and structured to serve global customers, and at the same time a place where each employee could feel proud of their work. The Code of Ethics and the Company’s Rules of Conduct confirm the commitment to ethical conduct in all areas of operations.

We have achieved considerable results domestically and internationally, in terms of both quality and quantity, as we excel in the level of technological reliability and speed in the adoption of innovations proposed by the market.

Being fully aware that we will continue to operate in an inclusive and motivated environment, our new “starting point” to face future challenges lies in preserving our DNA, elevating this value as the critical success factor to ensure the highest quality of the digital solutions we provide to our customers, and allowing us to establish a long-term partnership aimed at improving their performance and quality of work.

This Sustainability Report represents the first important milestone towards increasing transparency and alignment of interests among the various Stakeholders, which we see as drivers for long-term sustainable value growth.

Enjoy your read.

Nazzareno Gorni, CEO
Matteo Monfredini, Chairman

Nazzareno Gorni & Matteo Monfredini

ft 1000 2021
Gender Equality Certification