As always, the document summarizes the Organization’s objectives, activities, impacts and results in relation to its Stakeholders, as part of an increasingly articulated and strategic sustainability path, which aims at the progressive integration of ESG issues in every aspect of the Group’s business: from people-centered policies to the expansion of activities linked to environmental sustainability, from support to local communities to the introduction of new and advanced DEI policies.

With the sale of MailUp+Contactlab and Acumbamail to the TeamSystem group and that of Datatrics to the Spotler group, in 2023 Growens underwent the most significant transformation in its twenty-one years of activity. A transformation that affected the business, and also had a strong impact on people and the social composition in which Growens operates, from a variety of points of view.

For this reason, a key commitment for 2023 was to take care of our people, supporting them in handling this evolution, both emotionally and professionally. We activated change management and group counseling courses, as well as a cornerstone plan to update technical and soft skills thanks to a public grant, enabling each person to find a new balance and to refocus their goals in the new company structure.

Our commitment has always been centered on ensuring a serene, transparent and stimulating working environment, where strategic choices are based on a real alignment of each person with the higher vision.

For what concerns people-centered policies, 2023 also saw us reaching two important milestones:

  • The second year of the Way of Working (WoW) program, which allows people to work from anywhere, at any time. The WoW has significantly increased satisfaction and wellbeing within the Company. People are able to make the most of their work/life balance and to seize new opportunities and incentives in working for specific periods from foreign locations.
  • The foundation of the Grow committee, dedicated to diversity, equity and inclusion: a grassroots project nurtured as a community with strong ramifications within the entire Group, with several projects already impacting the Leadership’s decisions, and many new developments expected to come.

On a macro-economic level, the global context keeps being characterized by elements of instability due to the continuation of the war in Ukraine, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and the increasingly frequent natural disasters at our latitudes (and beyond). Although the Growens business is not currently impacted by these factors, we are carefully monitoring the international situation to ensure a prompt and effective response to any new evolution.

Looking ahead to the future, it’s time to roll up our sleeves to build a new era for the Growens group. More oriented than ever to international markets, more multicultural than ever in its composition, more ambitious than ever in its goals, the Group will continue to operate according to its DNA — mindfully and respectfully towards people, the environment, resources, competitiveness and the communities in which it operates.

Discover all the sustainability initiatives of Growens, downloading the 2023 Sustainability Report.

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Gender Equality Certification