Stock Information


Main Advisors

Euronext Growth Advisor: BPER Banca
Legal Advisor: Herbert Smith Freehills
Audit Firm: BDO Italia
Specialist: CFO SIM
Corporate Broker: CFO SIM – IntesaSanPaolo


eMarket SDIR managed by Spafid Connect

Admission Document (In Italian)

In order to access this section you must read and accept the following information, which you are invited to consider carefully before reading, accessing or using the information. By clicking on the following link you accept to be subject to the following terms and conditions, which are subject to change or update, hence they must be read in full at each access. The Admission Document (in Italian) hereby attached (the “Admission Document”) is an Admission Document on AIM Italia, multilateral trading facility organized and managed by Borsa Italiana S.p.A., of ordinary shares (the “Shares”) of MailUp S.p.A. (the “Company”) and it was issued according to the Regolamento Emittenti AIM Italia (“Regolamento Emittenti AIM”).

The Admission Document and the deal described herein do not represent an offer to the public according to artt. 94 and following of Italian dlgs 58/1998. The information in this section is issued according to artt. 17 and 26 of Regolamento Emittenti AIM.

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In order to access this section, the Admission Document and any other information hereby included, I hereby declare under my personal responsibility that (i) I am an Italian resident, (ii) I am not domiciled nor currently located in the United States of America, Australia, Japan, Canada or Other Jurisdictions, (iii) I am not a “U.S. Person” according to the definition of Regulation S of the 1933 United States Securities Act, as currently in force.

Admission Document (in Italian)
ft 1000 2021
Gender Equality Certification