
A look back: One year on AIM Italia

Last year on July 29, 2014 MailUp entered the AIM Italia stock market. Along with partners, investors, and friends, this exciting journey began towards a path to growth: continuous product development on one side and entry into emerging markets on the other side. As stated during the IPO, we’re investing in R&D, along with marketing, to improve the MailUp email marketing and SMS platform and become a leader in non-English speaking markets. Today, let’s look at what we’ve achieved in this exciting first year. A special thanks to the more than 8,000 companies that trust and use the MailUp platform.

One Year Back

2 Words: responsive and drag-&drop

The Product department is core to MailUp; it’s our beating heart, where novel ideas become reality and customer feedback is turned into new features. The product team follows closely software development, UX improvements, as well as customer support. One of those novel ideas turned into reality is BeeFree. We launched BeeFree in October 2014 on If you don’t already know, BeeFree is the the free, online version of our BEE drag-&-drop editor as described in this video by Massimo Arrigoni, MailUp’s Chief Product Officer. During it’s launch date, in one day alone, generated close to 21,000 visits and over the months has become one of the most widely used email editors for designing responsive emails. It has gotten great feedback from Product Hunt and Hacker News, two well-know resources in Silicon Valley and beyond.

CSA certification and anti-spam efforts

During this one year, we’ve joined the Certified Senders Alliance (CSA) in an effort to help fight against email spam and promote quality email marketing. The CSA is one of the most reputable whitelists in Europe with a list of well-known ISPs, including Vodafone, GMX,,T-Online, Freenet and 1&1, and bulk mailers. Being a member of the CSA allows us to collaborate more closely with ISPs and resolve any spam notifications more efficiently.

4 New integrations

Integrations have always played an important part for us and over this year we’ve launched 4 new integrations:


More and more international: Latin America, Indonesia, and Japan

We’ve traveled from north to south, west to east. Thanks to the partnership with YDigital, MailUp is the first ESP in Indonesia to provide a localized service with local customer support. Similarly, the partnership with Interarrows allows us to service the Japanese market and be among one of the services in the SoftBank C&S suite of services. Recently, we’ve acquired 70% of Acumbamail to further accelerate our growth in Spain and Spanish-speaking countries. In addition, the MailUp platform is available in multiple languages, which include English, Italian, Spanish, French, Portuguese, Bahasa, Japanese, and Chinese.

Continuous product development

Every month the MailUp platform keeps on getting better with new features and improvement added, of which many features come from customer feedback. Let’s take our last month’s release – MailUp 8.8.3 – as an example. We’ve further optimized the sending wizard based on some great feedback from customers.

On AIM Italia

From the July 2015 edition of the Investor and Media Relations of AIM Italia (view PDF), you can read about MailUp, our story, financials, business model and much more on page 114. It’s a privilege for us to be mentioned among the many other companies.

Looking back on this first year on AIM Italia, we’ve achieved a lot. At the same time, we’re excited for the future in continuing our growth strategy both on the product-side and in emerging markets.

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