Announcement under Article 10 of the AIM Issuers’ Regulation

Appointment of the Investor Relator of the Company

The Board of Directors of MailUp S.p.A. (the “Company” or “MailUp”), a company listed on AIM Italia multilateral trading system, and operating in the marketing technologies (MAIL.MI; Bloomberg: MAIL IM; ISIN IT0005040354) appointed today the Director Micaela Cristina Capelli as Investor Relator of the Company, granting her powers thereto and in general management over marketing and investor relations activities.

Accordingly, Micaela Cristina Capelli becomes an Executive Director of the Company, losing the independence requirements as defined under Article 148(3) of Italian Law Decree No. 58/1998 [Consolidated Law on Finance, known as “TUF”].

The governing body is thereby composed as follows:

Matteo Monfredini     Chairman of the Board of Directors
Nazzareno Gorni     Executive Director and CEO
Micaela Cristina Capelli     Executive Director
Armando Biondi     Indipendent Director
Ignazio Castiglioni     Indipendent Director

Matteo Monfredini, Chairman of the Board of Directors, commented: “We are very satisfied that Micaela accepted the role, becoming an Executive Director of MailUp. We trust that Micaela’s professional experience will provide a substantial contribution in the pursuit of corporate goals and improvement of our relationship with investors and market.

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