MailUp Group announces the quarterly results (Q12018) related to gross sales in the different business units

Consolidated gross sales recorded a +39,9% organic growth in Q12018 (9M EUR) vs Q12017 (6,4M EUR)

MailUp S.p.A. (the “Company” or “MailUp Group”), a company listed on “AIM Italia / Mercato Alternativo del Capitale”, a multilateral trading facility regulated by Borsa Italiana, and operating in the marketing technology industry (Reuters: MAIL.MI) (Bloomberg: MAIL IM) (ISIN IT0005040354), announces the quarterly results (Q12018) related to gross sales both at group level and in the different business unit.

Consolidated gross sales recorded a +39,9% organic growth in Q12018 (9M EUR) vs Q42017 (6,4M EUR).


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