
MailUp Group awarded the Smart Working Award 2019 in the SME category

MailUp Group (MAIL) was awarded the Smart Working Award 2019 by the School of Management of the Politecnico di Milano university, in the SME category. The award aims to highlight the most innovative Italian companies in terms of Smart Working practices.

The award ceremony was held along the official presentation of the annual Smart Working Observatory ( ) results. Among the winners there are EuropAssistance, Reale Mutua, Saipem, Sky Italia and Regione Emilia-Romagna, with a special mention to Regione Liguria.

According to the Observatory, smart working is an established practice for 58% of large enterprises and 12% of SMEs in Italy. It leads to increased employee satisfaction and engagement rates, higher productivity and reduced costs, as opposed to traditional work models.

MailUp Group kicked off their smart working project less than a year ago, by introducing a Human Resources function at group level. A three-year People Strategy plan was kicked off, with a smart working pilot on a selected group of employees, to be extended to the whole employee population in six months time. The project aimed at creating a widespread result-driven corporate culture through the introduction of flexible schedules, performance development tools and continuous feedback processes.

The company will take a further step towards this goal by moving into their new Milan office next December. Fully designed according to smart-working criteria, the new office will feature flexible workspaces, shared desks, creative & brainstorming rooms.

Eleonora Nardini , HR Manager at MailUp Group, stated: “This award marks the first, important milestone in validating the change we are bringing on in the way we work and live at MailUp Group. With the smart working project, change started at management level through company culture, values, trust and accountability. We then worked on people’s behaviors and engagement to foster out-of-the-box thinking and steer focus on results rather than working hours. I would like to thank fellowGroup managers, the HR team, the CEO Mr. Nazzareno Gorni and Chairman Mr. Matteo Monfredini for constantly supporting me in this journey”.

Nazzareno Gorni, CEO and founder at MailUp Group, commented: “I would like thank Eleonora and her team for the extraordinary results achieved in such a short time. Our three-year People Strategy plan started from the basics – elaborate, level and strengthen company culture – but then moved on to other aspects of our everyday work. Independent thinking, innovation and a result-driven mindset were key to doubling our turnover in a very short timeframe and in a complex and challenging landscape – both for external (a competitive industry) and internal factors (a swift corporate evolution, with five acquisitions in three years and a geographically distributed team from the USA to the Netherlands). Also, smart working practices have impacted on our employees’ quality of life and consequently on the environment, thanks to reduced commuting and optimized resources”.

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