Notice of call of the Ordinary and Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meeting

The Ordinary and Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meeting is called in Cremona, via Dell’Innovazione Digitale n. 3, on 22 April 2021 at 10:00 a.m., in a single call, to discuss and resolve upon the following:

Ordinary Session

1. Approval of the company’s individual financial statements and review of the group consolidated financial statements as at 31 December 2020. Related and resulting resolutions;

2. Proposal of authorization to the purchase and disposal of treasury shares, after the revocation of the related shareholders’ meeting resolution dated 23 April 2020. Related and resulting resolutions.

Extraordinary Session

1. Proposal to amend artt. 1 (Legal name), 11 (Transferability and trading of shares), 12 (Withdrawal), 14 (Provisions for tender offers), 15 (Disclosure requirements regarding relevant holdings and identification of shareholders), 18 (Ordinary General Shareholders’ Meetings Powers), 20 (General Shareholders’ Meetings Quorums), 22 (Teleconference General Shareholders’ Meetings), 23 (Chairperson and secretary of the Board of Directors. Registering), 26 (Board of Directors), 29 (Chairing and minutes of the Board of Directors), 30 (Teleconference Board of Directors’ Meetings), 31 (Directors replacement), 39 (Board of Statutory Auditors), 40 (Legal audit) and 41 (Financial statements and P&L) of the By-Laws and to introduce new art. 14-bis (Sell-out and squeeze-out) and 14-ter (Revocation of trading). Related and resulting resolutions.

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