Notification of share capital changes

MailUp S.p.A. (the “Company” or “MailUp”), a company listed on the multilateral trading facility AIM Italia / Alternative Investment Market and operating in the marketing technology field, hereby notifies that as of today – following the share capital increase for the purposes of the stock option plan known as “Piano 2016” (the “Plan”), as resolved by the Company’s Board of Directors on 29 March 2016 (for more information please see the press release published on the same date) – 30,000 shares that will have a lock-up period equal to 12 months have been effectively assigned following the exercise of the respective stock options by the Plan’s beneficiaries.

As a result of the implemented share capital increase, the subscribed and paid-up Company share capital will rise from euro 354,236.68 to euro 354.986,68 divided into 14.199.467 ordinary shares with no nominal value.

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