Voluntary partial tender offer on Growens shares launched by Growens S.p.A.

Growens S.p.A. announces, pursuant to and for the purposes of Art. 102, paragraph 1, of the TUF and Art. 37 of the Issuers Regulation, as well as Art. 17 MAR, its decision to launch a voluntary partial tender offer in accordance with Art. 102 TUF (the “Offer”). The Offer targets a maximum of 2,647,058 own ordinary shares of Growens, with no stated nominal value, fully paid-up, representing approximately 17.2% of the share capital (the “Shares Subject to the Offer”). These shares are traded on Euronext Growth Milan, a multilateral trading facility organized and managed by Borsa Italiana S.p.A.

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The Board of Directors passed guidelines for a voluntary partial purchase offer on Growens ordinary shares at a price of Euro 6.80 per share (for a maximum total consideration of Euro 18.0 million) to be submitted to the ordinary general shareholders’ meeting for approval

Growens S.p.A. announces that the Board of Directors convened today to pass the guidelines for a partial voluntary takeover bid on Growens ordinary shares, subject to the ordinary general shareholders’ meeting approval.

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Successful closing of the Email Service Provider business sale to TeamSystem

Growens S.p.A. – GROW (the “Company” or the “Issuer” or “Growens”), a company admitted to trading on the multilateral trading facility Euronext Growth Milan and operating in the cloud marketing technology field, following the press releases issued on 3 February 2023, 18 May 2023 and 30 June 2023 announces that the sale of the MailUp business unit via the holdings in MailUp S.p.A. (former Contactlab S.p.A.), Acumbamail S.L., MailUp Nordics A/S and its wholly owned subsidiary Globase International A.p.S. (collectively the “Email Service Provider” business) to TeamSystem S.p.A. (“TeamSystem”) (the “Deal”) was closed today.

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Contribution of the Email Service Provider business into Contactlab S.p.A. and name change into MailUp S.p.A.

Growens S.p.A. announces that, in execution of the agreement signed with TeamSystem S.p.A. on 2 February 2023 (the “Agreement”), on 7 June 2023 Contactlab’s extraordinary general shareholders meeting resolved, among other things, to (i) increase its share capital for a total amount of Euro 708,309.00 including nominal value and share premium, to be paid-in via the contribution of the Email Service Provider business (the “ESP business” and the ”Capital Increase”) versus the issue of n. 271,428 new shares; and (ii) change its company name in MailUp S.p.A. (“MailUp”).

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