Smart flowers: how “intelligent” solar panels power up our Cremona offices
Climate change is a constant threat to the future of our planet.
Growens strongly believes in social responsibility and shares the commitment to a better environment every day.
Its offices around the world are designed according to advanced principles of eco-sustainability: in particular, the Cremona office can count on a solar system composed of two innovative smart flowers.
The natural energy of the sun does not pollute the environment and is inexhaustible.
Smart flowers – an innovative solar system
The Group headquarters in Cremona are located on the top floor of the building in via dell’Innovazione Digitale 3, with about 1,000 square meters of well-exposed terraces – the ideal context for the installation of a traditional 45,000 kWh/year solar plant and two smart flowers capable of producing up to an additional 12,000 kWh/year.
The smart flowers constitute an “intelligent” solar energy production system: the solar panels automatically move to follow the sun throughout the day.
In this way energy production is estimated to increase by +40% if compared to traditional fixed solar panels (roof- or floor-mounted).
Growens’ behavior towards the environment
Saving energy, optimizing resources and offsetting harmful emissions to our planet are an integral part of the way of life and business approach at Growens, which promotes a culture of responsible use of environmental resources inside the Group and attention to recycling and proper waste disposal, involving all employees in the careful management of separate waste collection.
Growens enforces behaviors based on the protection of all energy resources. Business units minimize use of paper materials for promotional purposes, selected whenever possible from productions in full compliance with international standards that ensure proper forest management.
Smart flowers advantages
Smart Cleaning
The system has a self-cleaning technology that kicks in every time it opens and closes. This feature helps reduce solar energy production losses.
Smart Cooling
Unlike a traditional panel, the flower solar cells are perfectly ventilated and this allows not to accumulate hot air and to produce a greater quantity of electricity.
Smart Security
This solar system includes wind speed sensors . If wind reaches a dangerous speed for the system, in order to avoid damage, the smart flower will move to the first safety position.
If the wind increases even further, the system will close the solar petals in total autonomy.
Smart Tracking
Smart flowers are designed to move their petal-shaped solar panels both horizontally and vertically. This allows them to perfectly follow the position of the sun, detecting the sun’s rays even when the sky is overcast.
In this way, the photovoltaic cells can rotate to always be at a 90° position with respect to the sun throughout the day.
The result is a +40%bump in energy production if compared with traditional solar panels.
Smart Use
All-in-one flower solar systems are delivered already assembled, for a quick and easy installation. They take up little space and do not require major maintenance.
Wrap Up
Growens always pays great attention to the environment and day after day it works to minimize its impact on the planet.
Providing its Cremona offices with smart flowers is just one of the initiatives aimed at this goal.
To learn more about Growens’ actions related to sustainability, please download our latest Sustainability Report.