In the last two years, the Growens Group has held the role of Gold Sponsor for the annual TEDx event in Cremona, with the aim of supporting and spreading cultural initiatives in its hometown.

This support towards local activities is part of the social and environmental responsibility that Growens undertakes every day.

The Group constantly implements a company policy that combines profit with attention to the environment and social issues, with a look to future sustainability.

TEDx Cremona 2022 – Fabulous Complexity 

The second edition of the TEDx event in Cremona was held on Saturday 1 October 2022, in the elegant Ponchielli Theater.

The theme of this year’s conference was “Fabulous Complexity”: it set out to investigate the complexity and unpredictability of life, looking to find out why it engages us, amazes us and how it affects everything we do.

Complexity is mysterious and fascinating, it causes joy, laughter, tears and dance. It has the innate power to enthuse us and make us fall in love.

Moreover, every time we believe we have it all figured out, it amazes us by leaving us with a new question mark.

Complexity is defined as fabulous, just like life itself.

It is something wonderful, constantly evolving and often able to escape our understanding, giving us surprises of all kinds.

Among the prominent figures on stage, a mention goes to Alessio Lasta (journalist and writer), Claudia Lucia Lamanna (internationally renowned musician), Arianna Porcelli Safonov (comedian, blogger, writer and performer) and many others.

Each of them was able to share extremely significant insights and life stories.

What is a TED event?

TED is a non-profit organization devoted to spreading ideas that are worth sharing.

At each event, the brightest and most influential international speakers in any field or discipline takes the stage for a maximum of 18 minutes, sharing reflections and stories of life related to a specific topic, in an attempt to better understand the world we live in.

This conference started as a single event in 1984 in California, and then, in 1990, became a recurring event that extended to other states too, under the name of TEDx.

In line with the mission and spirit of TED, TEDx is a program of local events, independently organized with the aim of bringing people together to live a similar experience to that of a TED conference.

In a TEDx event, video contributions, photos and live performances by the speakers are mixed together to create debates and comparisons that connect all people present.

Growens’ social commitment

Every day, Growens pays constant attention to social issues and to the environment, bringing to life the values ​​that the Group embodies.

During the first months of the Covid-19 emergency, for example, it put its know-how and technology at the service of our local community actively contributing to the A Domicilio project, spread across the Cremona area.

In the same year it started offsetting its CO2 emissions by creating its own forest and making its website Carbon neutral.

In 2022, it opened an internal process of donation matching – for each donation made by employees, the Group undertakes to pay the same amount of money to charities, in favor of the emergency in Ukraine. A small gesture of solidarity towards those who have found themselves involved in the hardships of conflict.

Last but not least, among the activities in support of the Cremona area, in the last two years Growens has also become the main sponsor of the Half Marathon sporting event, supporting runners in their 21 km half marathon through the streets of one of the most beautiful art cities in Italy.


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